DayBreak Adult Care Services Made a Major Donation to Palmetto Place

Palmetto Place

DayBreak Adult Care Services made a major donation

On Wednesday, February 9, 2022 DayBreak Adult Care Services made a major donation to Palmetto Place, a home for children and teens who have faced abuse, abandonment, neglect and/or homelessness. The $20,000 donation ensures Palmetto Place can continue its vital services for the most vulnerable youth in our community. The contribution was part of a matching gift campaign that ultimately raised more than $40,000 for Palmetto Place. The donation ensures Palmetto Place can continue its vital services for the most vulnerable youth in our community.

Palmetto Place is a group home for teens and young adults who are experiencing homelessness. The Midlands-based organization provides emergency and transitional housing along with wraparound services to unaccompanied youth - homeless non-systems youth ages 16-21. The organization supports the youth with life skills training, financial literacy education, job training, mental health services, and transportation.

As part of his commitment to giving back to the community, Coker Day, the owner of DayBreak Adult Care Services, wanted to maximize his donation. In honor of being in business for 20 years, he offered a matching campaign of up to $20,000. Ultimately the campaign raised more than $40,000.

“These teens are stuck and vulnerable,” Day said. “We want to help Palmetto Place because we know it’s the right thing to do and because we know there will be a ripple effect in our community when we support and lift these kids up.”

“Having support and shelter is key to students completing their education. We provide a safe home and the tools students need to continue in school despite what many would see as insurmountable challenges,” Caraballo said.

To see the full story on WLTX: https://www.wltx.com/video/news/local/the-non-profit-palmetto-place-in-columbia-receives-a-20000-donation/101-41cf6f05-3da7-4608-80e8-ac87b4a30277

To see the full story on WIS:https://www.wistv.com/2022/02/09/midlands-home-vulnerable-youth-gets-big-contribution/

Read the COLA Daily article: https://www.coladaily.com/business/daybreak-adult-care-donates-20k-to-palmetto-place-to-help-at-risk-youth/article_b15747a4-90f5-11ec-8112-b750e3f82415.html

To learn more about Palmetto Place: https://www.palmettoplace.org